An area that can present a cause for concern in Colorado child custody cases is the question of grandparent visitation. Can grandparents request visitation with their grandchildren through a judicial process just as a divorced parent asks for parenting time with his or her child? Colorado gives grandparents more legal rights than
Child Custody
Part 2: Be Ready to Testify in Your Divorce or Custody Case
My last blog posting endeavored to get you, the litigant in a Colorado divorce or custody case, ready to testify in court. In continuing the topic from that posting, below are more tips to prepare you for that day. As a family law attorney, the primary goal is seeing each client finish
Over the course of the last few weeks, my blog writing has been put on hold due to a whirlwind tour of hearing-after-hearing in various family law cases throughout the Denver metropolitan area. After this unprecedented string of trials, I had a chance to step back and assess all that I had
Actions You Can Take to Help Your Child Custody Case
Having dealt with hundreds of Colorado custody cases over the years, I am well versed in what is needed to effectively prepare for and litigate battles regarding visitation and decision making. The key to handling custody matters truly rests with preparation. However, this preparation is not just related to your final hearing.
New 2012 Deadlines / Time Frames in Colorado Divorce and Custody Cases
As with the coming of any new year, 2012 stands to bring change to Colorado, and the world as a whole. This, of course, incudes the world of family law. Commencing January 1, 2012, Denver divorce and custody attorneys are faced with changes to the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure regarding deadlines
How Demeanor, Personality, and Relationship Between Attorneys Can Affect Your Divorce or Custody Case
With almost each new client call I get, whether for a divorce or child custody case, one of the first questions I ask, presuming there is an existing case is, “who is the other attorney?” One might think this is a silly question that doesn’t matter. To the contrary, it can make
Witness Deadlines and Your Divorce or Custody Hearing
In Colorado, most procedural issues regarding litigation of a divorce or custody case are set forth in Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 16.2. This rule, in essence, sets forth procedure from start to finish of a family law case. Though we see most cases settle without ever having to go to
Options in a Colorado Custody Case When You Have Joint Decision Making and Can’t Agree
In Colorado custody law, what used to be called “custody” is now technically called “parental responsibility.” The right to make major decisions for the children used to be called “legal custody.” Legal custody is now generally referred to in Colorado family law circles as “parental responsibility” as relates to the making of
Plog & Stein, P.C. deals with all types of domestic relations cases, including custody matters. When dealing with these cases, we hear a wide array of allegations raised by one party concerning the other. This can include allegations regarding past criminal acts, drug use, domestic violence, and more. An issue often raised
Mediation and Your Divorce, Custody, or Child Support Case
The Denver area divorce and custody attorneys at Plog & Stein, P.C. are often asked about the topic of mediation. People ask us what mediation is, do they have to do it, how much does it cost, etc. Sometimes people also raise the issue of arbitration, which is different from mediation. Though