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Child Custody

Colorado Appellate Court Considers Great-Grandparent Visitation

An area that can present a cause for concern in Colorado child custody cases is the question of grandparent visitation. Can grandparents request visitation with their grandchildren through a judicial process just as a divorced parent asks for parenting time with his or her child? Colorado gives grandparents more legal rights than

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Actions You Can Take to Help Your Child Custody Case

Having dealt with hundreds of Colorado custody cases over the years, I am well versed in what is needed to effectively prepare for and litigate battles regarding visitation and decision making. The key to handling custody matters truly rests with preparation. However, this preparation is not just related to your final hearing.

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Witness Deadlines and Your Divorce or Custody Hearing

In Colorado, most procedural issues regarding litigation of a divorce or custody case are set forth in Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 16.2. This rule, in essence, sets forth procedure from start to finish of a family law case. Though we see most cases settle without ever having to go to

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Plog & Stein, P.C. deals with all types of domestic relations cases, including custody matters. When dealing with these cases, we hear a wide array of allegations raised by one party concerning the other. This can include allegations regarding past criminal acts, drug use, domestic violence, and more. An issue often raised

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