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Child Custody

Passport Issues in a Child Custody Case

By:  Jessica A. Bryant One area of dispute that can arise following a divorce or custody action is the question of obtaining a passport for the child. To get a passport for a child under 16, the State Department generally requires signatures from both of the parents or legal guardians. This requirement

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Using a Private Investigator in Your Family Law Case

By: Sarah T. McCain Often in high conflict divorce or custody cases, a party will ask me whether or not they should invest in having a private investigator follow their spouse. While it may sound tempting, the majority of the time, the answer to this question is “no.” However, there may be instances

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Colorado Child Custody Rights for Non-Biological Parents

By:  Jessica A. BryantOften children have interactions and bonds with more individuals than just their biological parents. For example, they may have step-parents, grandparents, or other relatives or family friends that have helped with their care. If tensions arise between these caregivers and the biological parents questions can arise about what, if

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Extracurricular Activites and Your Custody Case

By:  Sarah T. McCainI recently ran across news article on the internet which briefly told the story of a family juggling the often difficult balancing act of activities and custody.  In that family’s story, though not told in detail, the judge had issued a one year ban on the minor child’s participation in

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Divorce and the New Year

By Stephen J. Plog “Should auld acquaintance be forgot? And never called to mind…,” the famous words from the classical, New Year’s musical standard. 2015 is gone; long reign 2016. In Colorado family law cases, there are various rules and concepts tied into the New Year which give couples and families things

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Denver Custody and Telephone Visitation (Part 2)

By: Stephen J. Plog In custody cases, visitation, or “parenting time,” comes in many forms. This can include specific orders regarding telephonic or other electronic contact between a parent and child, such as Face Time or Skype. In the modification of orders, or otherwise. In this Part 2, my goal is to

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Parenting Time and Teenagers

By Sarah T. McCain Parties going through a Colorado family law matter, such as a divorce or child custody case in Denver, often spend countless hours drafting a specific and thorough parenting schedule for their children. Each parent wants to put together a schedule which they believe meets the best interests of

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Custody & Telephone Visitation (Part 1)

By: Stephen J. Plog Custody attorneys are keenly aware of the major and minor issues to be dealt with in divorce or custody cases. Of course, the major issues primarily relate to legal custody (parental responsibility regarding the making of major decisions), visitation (parenting time), and primary residential custody. Though the core

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Consequences of Refusing Court-Ordered Parenting Time

By: Stephen Plog A couple of weeks ago, while browsing the news on the internet I happened upon a story regarding a Michigan custody case which left me speechless. My jaw dropped, I spilled my coffee, and instantly started pondering the ramifications the story would have if this kind of judicial nonsense

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