Navigating co-parenting with a custody order requires legal compliance and careful consideration of a potential move’s impact. Common reasons for the denial of a child custody relocation requests in Colorado include procedural errors and failure to demonstrate the move’s benefit to the child, necessitating legal counsel for modification if denied. Co-parenting when there
Divorce Blog
What to Do With Your House in a Divorce
Our family law attorneys have over 20 years of experience representing a variety of cases related to divorce, maintenance, division of marital property, and more. One of the most common issues that comes up in a divorce is the division or disposal of the marital home. Our legal team has gathered common
Can I Get Custody of My Grandchildren?
Pursuant to Colorado child custody statutes, specifically C.R.S. 14-10-123, non-parents can seek custody of a child in certain situations. Under Colorado law, “custody” is technically termed “parental responsibilities.” Non-parents includes grandparents, though just because they are relatives of the child and grandparents does not mean they are given any greater, preferential treatment
What Are the Impacts of Divorce on Retirement Accounts?
Divorce can be emotionally and financially complicated. If you are considering a divorce or are going through one, you may be wondering which of your assets are subject to division. One important issue you may be especially concerned about is the impact of divorce on your retirement accounts. These accounts are ones
How Can You Keep Premarital Assets Separate?
Divorce can be emotionally and financially devastating. While the pain of a divorce is generally unavoidable, there are measures you can take to soften the blow of a dissolution and protect yourself during divorce proceedings. You may have heard that the assets you acquired prior to marriage are separate and not subject
How to Approach an Increase in Value of Separate Property During Marriage
If you are facing the dissolution of your marriage, we imagine you have several questions about what to expect. In addition to your queries about how your family dynamic will change and how long the process will take, you probably want to know how the court will divide your assets. Each spouse
How Long Do You Have to Be Married to Get Alimony in Colorado?
If you are facing a divorce or legal separation, you should prepare yourself for significant financial changes. This includes the possibility of receiving or paying alimony. Whether you hope to receive payment or hope to avoid paying, you might be wondering, “How long do you have to be married to get alimony
How to Protect Yourself When Divorcing a Narcissist?
By: Stephen J. Plog Surviving a divorce is hard work. You can expect your personal life, family life, and assets to significantly change in the process. Divorcing a narcissist can make divorce proceedings unusually difficult, but less so when you utilize the right resources. Today, we address the topic of how to
How to File for Emergency Custody in Colorado
How to File for Emergency Custody in Colorado? In short, to initiate the process of obtaining emergency custody in Colorado, the first step is to file a petition for an emergency custody hearing in the appropriate court. Depending on where you are in Colorado, you may have the option to submit this
Colorado Divorce and Real Estate in 2021 (Part 1)
By: Sarah T. McCain It’s been a few years since we last wrote about how to deal with your marital home in a Colorado divorce. The last time we wrote a substantive post, the real estate market, like the rest of the economy, as largely in a big hole.