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Divorce Blog

Divorce and Your Home

A major aspect of our caseload over the years has been divorce. A major aspect of our divorce practice over the years has related to division of marital property. A major facet of marital property division over the years has been disposition of the marital home. Back in the late 1990’s and

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Interstate Custody and Colorado Law

Over my years of practice as a Denver area divorce and custody attorney, I have become familiar with the tenets of Colorado statute regarding interstate custody issues. Whether in a divorce or custody case, when interstate custody issues arise, the primary relevant statutory section is what is called the Uniform Child Custody

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Divorce and Your Children

As attorneys practicing divorce and custody law in the Denver, Metropolitan area we have all become familiar with what I call “the Judge Speech.” At the end of many divorce or custody cases in which either a hearing is conducted or an agreement is arrived at in court, the judge hearing the

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Colorado Paternity Law Ramifications and the Terminator

Plog and Stein, P.C., practices family law in the Denver, Colorado metropolitan area. Though our cases generally deal with divorce and custody, from time to time we get what are called “juvenile” cases, which are generally child support or “paternity” cases. In Colorado, paternity cases stem from C.R.S. Title 19, Article 4.

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Colorado Divorce and Adultery

While driving to work through the suburbs of Denver one morning this week, I heard a story on the radio regarding the Colorado Legislature and the repeal, or potential repeal, of Colorado criminal statutes regarding adultery. I then got to thinking about Colorado divorce law and adultery. If I had a nickle

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Colorado Custody and the Taking of a Child

While relaxing one Sunday morning,reading the paper, I came across a brief article in the second section regarding a story in which a mother and her boyfriend had taken her children and fled east, I believe to Kansas or Oklahoma. At the end of the Denver Post article, it indicated that the

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Domestic Violence and Child Custody Cases

From the time I was a young child, perhaps due to having sisters, I was always told, “Boys don’t hit girls.” Sadly, over the years I have spent as a Denver family law attorney, I have come to learn that in fact, sometimes they do. Domestic violence is an unfortunate fact that

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Colorado Child Support 101

What is Child Support? As a Denver area divorce/custody attorney, allow me to answer that question. Child Support is the statutorily determined amount of money a person may pay for the support of his or her child. The amount is determined based on a number of factors, which are plugged into a

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