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Divorce Blog

Statutory Protections at the Start of Your Divorce Case

Over my years of practicing divorce, or family law, in Colorado, I have come to realize the fear that people generally feel at the start of a divorce. They are going into the unknown, whether they are filing the case or have just been served. They do not know what the future

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To Be or Not to Be? Income in a Colorado Child Support Case

As a divorce lawyer in Denver, one of the most common issues I see in child support battles, beyond whether someone is appropriately employed, relates to what does or does not constitute income for child support purposes. With this article, my hope is to clarify some things for my readers regarding the

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Witness Deadlines and Your Divorce or Custody Hearing

In Colorado, most procedural issues regarding litigation of a divorce or custody case are set forth in Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 16.2. This rule, in essence, sets forth procedure from start to finish of a family law case. Though we see most cases settle without ever having to go to

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The 3 Court Stages of a Divorce

As a divorce lawyer in Denver, I have seen various changes to the divorce process over the years. In the olden days (late 1990’s to early 2000’s), the divorce process consisted of essentially two phases: temporary orders and permanent orders. In the early part of the last decade, the Colorado legislature decided

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Back to School: Your Divorce or Custody Case

August and September are upon us. That means the time of year when the children start, or go back, to school. We see various issues that arise regarding school. These issues can be educational, financial, or related to aspects of a visitation or custody battle. Below are some of the topics that

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Dividing Retirement Plans During a Divorce

The law firm of Plog & Stein, P.C. practices solely family law in the Denver, Colorado area. As a divorce attorney in Denver, I handle all aspects of such cases, including the division of marital property. Though some have been depleted, or gone up and down and up and down over the

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