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Divorce Blog

No Fault Divorce And Colorado Law

While browsing the internet the other morning, I came across an article concerning the issue of “no-fault” divorce and the State of New York. After finishing the article, I started pondering what life would be like, in a legal and real world sense for Denver divorce attorneys, and the general public, if

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Businesses, Property Division, And Your Divorce

As indicated in prior blog postings, one of the major topics in a Colorado divorce case can be the division of marital property. Property can come in all shapes and sizes, and is not limited to cars, houses, and retirement accounts. Every so often, a divorce case will come along in which

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Holiday Visitation And Your Divorce or Custody Case

Every year between late October and mid-November, people throughout the land start thinking about the holidays. The Thanksgiving turkey, and a little football. The lights, trees, and all the gifts Santa Clause will bring (or needs to buy at the store). For many people this is a magical time of year. For

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Modifying Your Child Support Order

In a Colorado, or Denver area divorce, custody, or child support case, child support runs until the youngest child turns 19, barring extraordinary circumstances. While wrapping up a divorce case the other day, my client inquired as to whether he would need our services anymore. I explained to him that he might.

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