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Divorce Blog

Colorado Child Support and Your Disabled Child

The attorneys at Plog & Stein, P.C. deal with simple and intricate matters related to child support. Though most child support cases are fairly black-and-white, with incomes and other factors which lead to a child support calculation and monthly figure being apparent, there are instances in which deviations from the norm are

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With many years as a custody lawyer in Denver under my belt, I have come to draw certain assumptions about the law, the court system, and how things work. Most family law attorneys use those assumptions, which are formulated with experience, legal knowledge, and a keen sense of each court, to guide

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The Right Time to File For Divorce: Answers (Round 2)

In April 2012, I started a multi-part blog posting regarding the right time to file your divorce case in Colorado. As a busy custody and divorce lawyer in Denver, the summer has flown by without affording me time to continue providing the rationale for the answers provided. After many battles regarding custody,

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Actions You Can Take to Help Your Child Custody Case

Having dealt with hundreds of Colorado custody cases over the years, I am well versed in what is needed to effectively prepare for and litigate battles regarding visitation and decision making. The key to handling custody matters truly rests with preparation. However, this preparation is not just related to your final hearing.

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