A person paying child support in Colorado is generally the child’s or children’s biological mother or father. Occasionally, it is someone who has assumed all the responsibilities and rights of a parent through adoption or signing an ‘Acknowledgment of Paternity” form. All create an obligation to pay child support if the couple
Divorce Blog
Making It Through The Holidays While Contemplating Divorce
Thanksgiving has come and gone and now we are approaching the winter holidays, including Christmas and Hannukah. The holidays are wonderful times of the year for families and especially children. These upcoming days can be particularly stressful for couples contemplating divorce in the New Year, while remembering happier times. Putting off filing
After practicing as a divorce attorney in Denver for over a decade, I have come to determine that there is no one “right time” to file for divorce. The timing for getting your divorce case started can depend on a wide array of factors. These factors can be financial, logistical, child related,
The Right Time to File Your Colorado Divorce: Answers (Round 3)
The question of whether to file for divorce is not one easily answered. As a divorce attorney in Denver, I often meet with people pondering divorce, yet not quite sure whether they really want to go through with it. Deciding whether to completely alter your life, and perhaps that of your children,
The Right Time to File For Divorce: Answers (Round 2)
In April 2012, I started a multi-part blog posting regarding the right time to file your divorce case in Colorado. As a busy custody and divorce lawyer in Denver, the summer has flown by without affording me time to continue providing the rationale for the answers provided. After many battles regarding custody,
Part 2: Be Ready to Testify in Your Divorce or Custody Case
My last blog posting endeavored to get you, the litigant in a Colorado divorce or custody case, ready to testify in court. In continuing the topic from that posting, below are more tips to prepare you for that day. As a family law attorney, the primary goal is seeing each client finish
Over the course of the last few weeks, my blog writing has been put on hold due to a whirlwind tour of hearing-after-hearing in various family law cases throughout the Denver metropolitan area. After this unprecedented string of trials, I had a chance to step back and assess all that I had
Actions You Can Take to Help Your Child Custody Case
Having dealt with hundreds of Colorado custody cases over the years, I am well versed in what is needed to effectively prepare for and litigate battles regarding visitation and decision making. The key to handling custody matters truly rests with preparation. However, this preparation is not just related to your final hearing.
When is the Right Time to File For Divorce?
At the end of April, I posted an article regarding the timing of filing your divorce case. Though I had strived to start answering questions sooner, May slipped away from me, with my children’s school ending, vacations, and the busy pace that comes with being a Denver divorce attorney. As we move
It’s Tax Time Again: What You Can Claim In Your Child Support Case
Year after year, Americans wait, some with joy, some with fear, for tax season. April 15 will soon be upon us. Do you know what you can claim and what you cannot? People with child support cases, whether just child support or stemming from a divorce or custody case, have various rights