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Divorce Blog

Custody and Relocation With Children (Part 2)

Part 1 of this posting, from June 2014, focused on the basics of relocation with children in a Colorado custody case, including analysis(es) related to situations which might arise either prior to a case being filed, or while a case is pending, as well as pre-final orders requests to move from Colorado

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Modification of Spousal Support Orders in Divorces

In many Colorado divorce proceedings, the court will determine that one spouse must provide some form of support to another spouse. Often, this is because one spouse put his or her career or education on hold to care for the marital home, or because the income potential of one spouse is significantly

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What Constitutes Marital Property in Colorado?

When a marriage comes to an end, there must be a division of the assets that have been accumulated during the marriage. Generally speaking, states take one of two approaches when dealing with the division of marital assets. The more common of the approaches, and the approach taken by the state of

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Child Custody and Relocation With Children (Part 1)

Though we can all look back to a time when people were born and raised in one town or one state, the reality is that today’s society is both national and transient in nature. People work for national companies, with multiple locations. Job transfers to new areas of the country are a

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Divorce and Discovery (Part 2)

Earlier this month, we posted the first part of this article, setting for the basics of what family law attorneys call “discovery.” As previously indicated, discovery is generally issued in divorce, custody, or child support cases when one side believes more information is needed. This can include a heightened request for documents,

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Divorce and Filing for Bankruptcy (Part 2)

The first part of this discussion on bankruptcy gave an overview of the bankruptcy process and how it applied to couples who were still married. The second part will discuss the impact of bankruptcy when a couple separates or divorces. What Happens If a Couple Separates? In some respects, if a couple

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Divorce and Filing for Bankruptcy (Part 1)

When Denver couples divorce, few anticipate that one of the parties will file for bankruptcy, or that the bankruptcy could have such an impact on both of their lives. That is because there is a lot of confusion about bankruptcy in general: who applies for bankruptcy, what it involves, and its long-term

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Divorce and Discovery (Part 1)

In any Denver area divorce or custody case, each side is going to be required to complete and exchange regular financial disclosures pursuant to the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 16.2. Normal financial disclosures will include drafting what is called a “Sworn Financial Statement,” which is a document essentially setting forth

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Child Support and Day Care Expenses in Colorado

Over the course of the last few decades, it has become more common place for both mothers and fathers, whether married or just parents of a child or children, to work. In fact, Colorado statute related to child support presupposes that both parents work and creates a duty, absent an exception, for

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