Divorce is difficult enough at any time of year, but it can be even more so around the holidays. In addition to the stress, anger, or sadness brought on by this major life change, it can be even more emotional to realize that celebrating the holidays may look very different from now
Divorce Blog
We are Thinking of Getting a Divorce, Now What?
By Sarah T. McCain Often times, the topic of divorce is mentioned and thoroughly discussed in a home prior to either party taking any action to start the process. In those cases, the parties may have a good idea of the agreements they want to make between themselves. Those agreements may generally
Do You Know About These Early Warning Signs of Divorce?
As family law attorneys, we handle countless divorce filings. In our many years of practice, we have seen a number of divorces that resulted from common warning signs that went unnoticed or ignored during a marriage. Warning signs that a divorce may be imminent include: Indifference to feelings: Couples who take no
How to Manage Simultaneous Divorce & Criminal Cases Involving Domestic Abuse
By: W. Curtis Wiberg All too often, in a deteriorating marriage, one spouse calls the police during a very heated argument that may have gotten physical or threatening and one spouse finds himself or herself arrested for a crime involving domestic violence (harassment, assault, criminal mischief, false imprisonment). Once released on bond,
What is Early Neutral Assessment (ENA) and Is It Right for My Case?
By: Jessica A. Bryant At some point in nearly every Colorado family law case, the court will enter an order requiring the parties to attend some sort of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) session. The most commonly ordered and used type is mediation, which has been discussed in a prior blog post. There
Denver Custody and Telephone Visitation (Part 2)
By: Stephen J. Plog In custody cases, visitation, or “parenting time,” comes in many forms. This can include specific orders regarding telephonic or other electronic contact between a parent and child, such as Face Time or Skype. In the modification of orders, or otherwise. In this Part 2, my goal is to
Parenting Time and Teenagers
By Sarah T. McCain Parties going through a Colorado family law matter, such as a divorce or child custody case in Denver, often spend countless hours drafting a specific and thorough parenting schedule for their children. Each parent wants to put together a schedule which they believe meets the best interests of
Divorce and Personal Property: Who Gets the Pots and Pans (Part 1)
By: Stephen J. Plog As experienced Colorado divorce attorneys, we are extremely familiar with the numerous issues people might argue over in any case. As stated in prior blog posts, the primary issues in any divorce case can be child custody, spousal support (maintenance), child support, division of debt, and division of
Family Law: How Do I Prove My Argument to the Judge?
By: Jessica A. Bryant One question every person in the middle of a Court case faces at some point or another, whether in a divorce case, custody case, or other Colorado family law related matter, is “How do I prove my argument to the Court?” You may have a winning argument, but
The Dangers of Not Getting Around to Making Divorce Official
By: W. Curtis Wiberg Every so often, Plog & Stein, P.C. receives calls from someone who states that they’ve been separated for years from their spouse, but that neither party ever bothered to make the divorce official. While typically, it’s no big deal if both spouses agree to just amicably make it