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Divorce Blog

How to Deal With a PERA Account in a Colorado Divorce

As experienced Denver family law attorneys, we deal with all aspects of asset division.  This can include division of real property, personal property, investment accounts, retirement accounts, and almost any other type of property you can imagine.  Beyond the normal questions that arise when dividing property and debt in a Denver divorce

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Which State’s Law Applies to My Colorado Child Support Case?

By: Jessica A. Bryant As seasoned family law attorneys, we see various intricate issues that arise in divorce, custody, and child support cases. This can include issues related to interstate and multi-state jurisdiction. In today’s mobile society, it is not uncommon for both parties and the child(ren) to move out of the

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Shocking Divorce Statistics You Should Know About

As a Denver area divorce attorney, I’ve often heard the commonly cited statistic that nearly half of all first marriages in the U.S. end in divorce, but the many factors that go into this number are far less well known. Looking at more specific numbers across demographics paints a much more nuanced

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Voluntary Unemployment and Underemployment

By: W. Curtis Wiberg As part of a divorce or custody case, the Court may be asked to make determinations concerning child support and alimony (spousal support). The most significant consideration in these determinations is each party’s income. While it is often easy to just look at the most recent paychecks or

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Divorce and the New Year

By Stephen J. Plog “Should auld acquaintance be forgot? And never called to mind…,” the famous words from the classical, New Year’s musical standard. 2015 is gone; long reign 2016. In Colorado family law cases, there are various rules and concepts tied into the New Year which give couples and families things

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