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Divorce Blog

Consideration of Substance Addictions in Your Colorado Custody Case

By Jessica A. Bryant One significant area of concern in some Colorado custody cases is that of addiction.   More often than you might realize, allegations arise regarding drug and/or alcohol abuse by one or both parents.  When these issues arises, there are a variety of considerations, including, how to prove them, how to defend against

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Child Custody: Using Court Appointed Parenting Experts

By:  Curtis Wiberg One of the most emotional issues in a contested Colorado divorce occurs when the parties do not agree on what parenting arrangements are in the best interests of the child/children.  The concerns one parent may have about the other parent and how that concern affects the well-being of the

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Tips to Avoid Future Problems with Your Colorado Divorce Agreement

By:  Jessica A. Bryant Parties to Colorado divorce actions often seek to resolve their case by entering into a Separation Agreement as opposed to going to a hearing and letting the court decide various issues such as maintenance (alimony), division of property/debts, child support, custody and/or parenting time. Many times, parties do

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FREE Divorce and Real Estate Seminar- June 15, 2016

FREE Divorce and Real Estate seminar! June 15, 2016 at 6 p.m. 18801 E. Main Street, Suite 250, Parker. Call Plog & Stein at (303) 781-0322 to reserve your seat or email us through the firm website.  Seating is limited. In conjunction with a local, Parker Colorado real estate agent who is

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Appeals in Your Colorado Family Law Case (Part 2)

By:  Curtis Wiberg In my previous blog post on the subject of Colorado family law appeals, I blogged about appellate strategies and standards of review for appealing domestic relations case rulings.  In Part 2 of this article, I discuss appellate procedures. As a Denver family lawyer who also practices appeals, I cannot

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Child Custody: Equal Parenting Time as a Fundamental Right?

By: Jessica A. Bryant Over the course of roughly the last decade, custody attorneys have seen a gravitational shift in most metro area family law courts towards 50/50, equal parenting time for both parents. This does not mean equal visitation occurs in every case, but it has become more of the norm.

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Appeals In Your Colorado Family Law Case (Part 1)

By W. Curtis WibergHaving handled divorce and custody cases for over two decades, including 14 years as a family lawyer in Denver, I have litigated more cases than I can remember.   Cases that don’t settle ultimately go to a hearing or “trial” in front of a judge or magistrate.   After

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