By: Sarah T. McCain Do parenting time schedules have to be the same for two kids? The simple answer is, “no.” In recent months, numerous articles have highlighted the divorce of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Receiving specific attention are the allegations of altercations between Pitt and their oldest child of the six
Divorce Blog
The Duty of Accurate Financial Disclosure in Your Divorce
By: Curtis Wiberg When parties are getting a Colorado divorce, each party and the Court need to know what the marital estate consists of. To achieve that, Colorado Rule of Civil Procedure, Rule 16.2, was enacted requiring each party to disclose just about everything about the financial information they possess. The specifics
Military Service and Your Family Law Case (Part 2)
By: Jessica A. Bryant Serving in the military can have unique impacts on your Colorado divorce or custody proceeding ranging from questions as to the proper state in which to file, special protections for service members, and questions regarding retirement account division. In Part 1, I discussed the impact military service has
Child Custody: False Allegations of Abuse and Violence (Part 1)
By: Stephen J. Plog When starting the practice of law almost two decades ago, the issues of truth, perjury, and false claims were something I may have heard about in law school, or perhaps seen on TV or in a movie. Scenes of the witness on the stand or the accident
Statutory Changes, Overnights, and Deviation from Child Support Guidelines
By: Sarah T. McCain At the commencement of the New Year, various revisions to Colorado child support statute came into effect. Changes to the ability to claim a non-joint child on the child support worksheet was covered in a prior blog post. The other revisions to this statute, while seemingly small in
Parenting Time Exchanges in Colorado (Part 2)
By: Curtis Wiberg In Part 1 of this article, I discussed some of the concerns that can arise related to exchanging children for court ordered visitation (parenting time). This included some discussion regarding conflicts which can arise and ways to alleviate those conflicts with well written, detailed orders. In this Part
Military Service and Your Family Law Case (Part 1)
By: Jessica A. Bryant Serving in the military can have unique impacts on your Colorado custody or divorce proceeding ranging from questions as to the proper state in which to file, special protections for service members, and questions regarding retirement account division. The first part of this article will address the impact military service has
Parenting Time Exchanges in Colorado (Part 1)
By: Curtis Wiberg In a Colorado custody case, whether it’s a divorce or allocation of parental rights case, one of the details people often overlook in their parenting plan or orders is how to handle the parenting time exchanges of the minor children from one parent to the other. Though one might
Child Custody: Interacting With the Professionals in Your Child’s Life
By: Sarah T. McCain When you begin the process of dividing parenting time between two homes, everyday tasks often take on different challenges. This would include, but is not limited to, dealing with the different professionals that assist you and your children, such as their pediatrician, counselors, and teachers. It is important
Service: What if I Can’t Find the Other Party In My Family Law Case?
By: Jessica A. Bryant When starting an initial Colorado family law case, the two first steps are filing the initial case documents (Petition and Summons) and getting the other party served. Pursuant to the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 4, serving divorce papers generally comes in two forms: either the other party signs