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Divorce Blog

Dietary Concerns and Colorado Custody

By:  Sarah T. McCain When it comes to parenting, even the most in sync parents have different styles. This can become even more apparent while going through a divorce or Colorado custody case, when all of your choices are under a microscope.  One area of parenting which can draw scrutiny for parents is the choice of

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Child Custody Arrangements Come in Many Forms

By: Jessica Bryant I recently came across a news article regarding a New York custody case. The child custody article focused on a case in which a New York judge awarded what was termed “tri-custody” over a child.  The specific background was that a married couple entered into an open relationship with their neighbor.

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Custody: False Allegations of Abuse and Violence (Part 2)

By Stephen J. Plog In Part 1 of this article, I discussed the basic concept of false allegations of abuse or violence being raise in Colorado custody cases.   This included delving into some of the case specific and systemic consequences or results flowing from people making false allegations.  I also touched on the

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Divorce, Marital Misconduct, and One Denver Bronco

By:  Curtis Wiberg Sometimes a high profile divorce can help teach a lesson on key issues that exist in an everyday Colorado divorce. The divorce proceeding currently underway in Texas involving Denver Bronco wide receiver Emmanuel Sanders is one such case. Gabriella Sanders filed for divorce in October 2016, in Texas. Within

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Custody: Differing Parenting Time Schedules

By:  Sarah T. McCain Do parenting time schedules have to be the same for two kids?  The simple answer is, “no.”  In recent months, numerous articles have highlighted the divorce of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.  Receiving specific attention are the allegations of altercations between Pitt and their oldest child of the six

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The Duty of Accurate Financial Disclosure in Your Divorce

By: Curtis Wiberg When parties are getting a Colorado divorce, each party and the Court need to know what the marital estate consists of. To achieve that, Colorado Rule of Civil Procedure, Rule 16.2, was enacted requiring each party to disclose just about everything about the financial information they possess. The specifics

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Military Service and Your Family Law Case (Part 2)

By:  Jessica A. Bryant Serving in the military can have unique impacts on your Colorado divorce or custody proceeding ranging from questions as to the proper state in which to file, special protections for service members, and questions regarding retirement account division. In Part 1, I discussed the impact military service has

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