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Divorce Blog

FAQ’s About Temporary Protection Orders in Colorado

By:   Janette Jordan Protection Orders in Colorado are serious business and can be issued either as part of a stand alone, county court case, or as part of a divorce or custody case.   When dealing with issues of domestic violence, violence, harassments, or threats, the hardest thing to prepare for

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Divorce: How Do I Modify My Alimony (Maintenance)? Part 2

By:   Stephen J. Plog In Part 1 of this post, I gave a basic introduction into the issue of alimony, called “maintenance” under Colorado statute, reasons why either party might seek to modify maintenance orders, and the legal standard for modification of of alimony set forth in Colorado Revised Statutes 14-10-122.

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Equitable Distribution of Social Security and PERA Accounts

By:  Curtis Wiberg Colorado law requires a Court dividing a marital estate in a divorce to divide the estate “equitably”, meaning fairly. See C.R.S. § 14-10-113. More often than not, an equal division of marital assets is the fairest result and the norm in most cases.  However, equal is not always fair,

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Divorce: How Do I Modify My Alimony (Maintenance)? Part 1

In any Denver divorce, there is the potential for one spouse or other to be awarded alimony, called “maintenance” under Colorado Revised Statutes. Alimony is designed to provide financial support for a spouse who is unable to meet his or her reasonable financial needs or pay necessary living expenses in light of

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Divorce and Alcohol

By:  Curtis Wiberg We’ve previously written about legal strategies when in the midst of divorce proceedings when one spouse is struggling with a drug or alcohol problem and its affect on a custody case. This article discusses alcohol abuse and dependency in general, tips for saving a marriage (if possible), and resources

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