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Divorce Blog

Options For Supervised Parenting Time

By:  Sarah T. McCain When emergencies, such as when the emotional and/or physical safety of the children is at risk, people generally turn to the court, asking for immediate protections, the primary one of which is supervised parenting time. There are many options when it comes to supervised parenting time and, in

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Alternate Dispute Resolution in Your Family Law Case

By: Janette Jordan In the State of Colorado, when you have a pending family law case before the court, such as a divorce filing, allocation of parental responsibilities filing, post-decree modifications, etc., courts typically require that the parties attempt alternative dispute resolution (ADR). In fact, C.R.S. 13-22-301, et seq. states that courts

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Letting Your Kids’ Teachers Know About Your Divorce

By: Stephen J. Plog While attending an early morning elementary school band practice with one of my children, I saw something sad and troubling. Though I have had countless occasions in which to hear parents talk about child custody or divorce cases and how they impact their children, I have rarely, if

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Are You Ready For Your Divorce Proceedings?

By:  Sarah McCain In December 2017, an article was posted on the firm blog reviewing some important tips to keep in mind prior to becoming involved in a custody matter. That posting reviewed only a few examples of what can take place in those types of domestic relations cases.  Though that posting

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The Challenges of Balancing Your Career With Your Divorce

By:  Curtis Wiberg A divorce is a giant upheaval, and the challenges of maintaining your career while going through a divorce and adjusting to a new personal life and routine can be one of the biggest challenges. There is of course the emotional upheaval associated with a divorce. Divorce stress can greatly

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New Years Resolutions For Communicating With Your Ex

By: Janette Jordan New Years 2018 is upon us.  It’s that time of year again for reflection and new beginnings. We all have room to grow and improve, especially when you’re attempting to co-parent through a divorce, or even after. The holidays can be an especially difficult time and every person’s situation

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