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Divorce Blog

Staying Child Focused During Your Divorce

By:  Sarah T. McCain During the end of a marriage, there can often be a significant amount of fighting. It’s hoped that these verbal arguments couples might engage in can be kept from the children.  As a marriage ends through the process of divorce, children often comment that it is better that

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The Impact of Divorce on Children

By: Janette Jordan Divorce is an extremely emotionally taxing and difficult process. It affects both parties directly involved, and then the children. A divorce is essentially a fracturing of a family unit. One household now becomes two. One shared holiday now becomes split or alternated. The reality is that it is okay

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Divorce, Property Division, and Your Marital Home

By:  Curtis Wiberg Over the last several years, Denver real estate prices have increased rapidly and significantly.  In many Denver divorce cases, the largest asset needing to be divided is the marital home.  If the parties have resided in the marital home throughout the course of the marriage, keeping current on payments,

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Handling College Costs In Your Divorce

By: Jessica A. Bryant When in the middle of a divorce or custody case one aspect that often gets less consideration than some of the immediate issues/concerns is how to handle the children’s post-secondary/college expenses.  Child support in Colorado ends at the age of 19 unless the child emancipates before the age

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What Happens to the Pets in a Divorce?

By: Janette Jordan It’s a hard question to answer, but one that is often asked.  What happens to the pets in a divorce? As if divorces weren’t emotionally wrenching enough, the thought that you also have to decide where your pets go, or with whom, or who has the final say can

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How Third Persons Can Impact Your Child Custody Case

By:   Sarah T. McCain There are many ways in which the third parties in your life may impact a child custody determination. It is important to carefully weigh each role these individuals play in your life and the interaction they have with your child(ren).  Friends, neighbors, romantic partners, and family members

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