It is not a common occurrence to have individuals separating immediately around the time of the birth of a child, but it does happen. When parties are married, this child support and custody issues are usually through the courts via a dissolution of marriage (divorce case). But what happens to those situations
Divorce Blog
Marital Debt (Joint vs. Individual) in a Divorce
By: Sarah T. McCain In every Colorado divorce proceeding, the court will require each party to complete and file a Sworn Financial Statement. This requirement regarding financial disclosures in a divorce comes from C.R.C.P. Rule 16.2. Among the variety of items that you are required to list on that SFS is debt,
How Will Private School Be Treated in My Divorce Case?
By: Jessica A. Saldin There are many issues related to education and school that must be considered as part of a divorce case. Prior blog posts have discussed some of these issues. This post is specifically focused on private schooling and how the issue may be treated as part of your divorce
Don’t Be a Grinch: Crafting a Conflict-Free Holiday Parenting Time Schedule
By Michelle L. Searcy As we approach the holiday season, people experience increased anxiety. Between coordinating family events, preparing food, and spending money beyond the normal monthly budget, everyone feels the pressure of creating life-long memories for their loved ones. After a divorce, this pressure increases as we hope to reassure our
By: Curtis Wiberg In a typical divorce where a couple are owners of a home, that home is often one of the most valuable assets of the marriage, and the issues of possession and division of the net equity can become a greatest sources of dispute. The court is tasked with a
Relocation from Colorado with Existing Child Custody Orders
By: Janette Jordan If you have an existing child custody case in Colorado, are the primary residential custodian, and are considering relocating out of state with the minor child or children, you will need to seek permission from the court or written consent from the other parent. Even a move from one
Can I Get My Colorado Restraining Order Removed?
By: Jessica A. Saldin If you are faced with a permanent protection order, it is not uncommon for one of the first questions you ask yourself to be, “is this restraining order truly permanent or can it ever be modified or terminated?” As a point of clarification, this blog only addresses civil
Divorce and Subpoenaing Your Spouse’s Bank Records
During a divorce proceeding, or in a post-decree modification proceeding, issues related to a spouse’s income or assets are often disputed, especially when one spouse suspects the other spouse is hiding income or assets from them. Financial Record Disclosures Typically, bank records and income information is disclosed through the mandatory financial disclosure
Is There Such Thing as an Amicable Divorce?
By: Sarah McCain I recently read an article listing current divorce statistics and providing eight divorce horror stories from both the client and the lawyer’s perspective. The stories ranged from issues with excessive fees, fraud, disappearing spouses, and those with a second life. While these stories are obviously extreme examples, what connected
Divorce: Keeping Your Separate Property Separate (Part 2)
By Michelle L. Searcy In my most recent article, I discussed methods of your assuring separate property remains separate in terms of preserving good evidence for use in a dissolution of marriage (divorce) case. However, Colorado statutes still define marital property as including increases in the value of separate property during the