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Divorce Blog

Divorce: Keeping Your Separate Property Separate (Part 2)

By Michelle L. Searcy In my most recent article, I discussed methods of your assuring separate property remains separate in terms of preserving good evidence for use in a dissolution of marriage (divorce) case.  However, Colorado statutes still define marital property as including increases in the value of separate property during the

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Name Changes in Colorado Family Law Cases

By: Janette Jordan There are two types of name changes that occur in a family law case: the restoration of the Wife’s name to her maiden name or other previous name and the changing of the name of a minor child in a divorce or custody case. In a divorce case, if

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Retirement and Divorce: Payment of Alimony and Child Support

By: W. Curtis Wiberg In a divorce case, a higher income earning spouse may be “on the hook”  to pay maintenance (alimony) and child support. There are divorces, however, in which this higher-income earning spouse is in his or her sixties and nearing retirement age. Some dads have children when they are

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Divorce: Keeping Your Separate Property Separate

By: Michelle L. Searcy In Colorado, everything acquired by either party during a marriage is presumed to be marital property regardless of title or possession, with a few limited exceptions.  Section 14-10-113(2), C.R.S. lists those exceptions as: Property acquired by gift, bequest, devise or descent; Property acquired in exchange for property acquired

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Enforcing and Out-of-State Child Custody Orders

By: Curtis Wiberg In our mobile society, it is not an uncommon occurrence for parents to obtain custody orders in one state, and for both parents and the children to later reside in other states, soon after.  This can make resolution of subsequent conflicts involving parenting time (visitation) complicated. Every state in

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Maintenance and Child Support-August 2018 Statutory Changes  

By:  Jessica A. Saldin Starting August 8, 2018, there will some statutory changes being made to the Colorado Uniform Dissolution of Marriage Act (the main statute/law that governs Colorado divorce and custody cases).  As these changes may have major impacts on your divorce or custody case, it is important to know what

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Dealing With the Stress of Divorce

By:  Michelle L. Searcy Divorce can often create stress, anxiety, and even depression.   If you are going through a divorce or are even contemplating it, uncertainty about the future is bound to affect your mental health.  You may experience fear and anxiety about your income, your property, and your children.  Different

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